I have been writing for a long time, around my job as a City lawyer at first, and more recently, around my three children. I write poetry, as well as novels for adults and children. You can read more about my writing process in the BLOGS section of this website and about my books in the BOOKS section.

This is my office. I have a lovely view over the park when it is sunny but the rain is better for writing!

my office

Cats make brilliant writing companions because they are silent! Here is a picture of Greek rescue cats, Silva and Theo, who feature in A Tale of Three Tabbies. They were rescued with great difficulty from the island of Agistri in Greece. They had been living in a restaurant there.

my writing companions, cats Silva and Theo

This is an early drawing of Red by my daughter, Bella. The children have made many such offerings, which I’m hoping will grace a second edition of the book. My Cat Called Red is the first book I’ve brought out. It’s a happy book and because of the pandemic I think we all need happy books. The idea for the book came about after I realised that the purring of my cat Gus could soothe my son when nothing else worked. Red with his magic purr was born. I hope you enjoy the story.

an early drawing of Red